Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10

There is a beautiful lush green field near my home where I walk on occasion. I love to go stand on the edge of this wondrous wisping tree lined glory and just breathe it all in. I love the wide open space, I love the sense of freedom, and I love the sense of possibility I feel when I stand there. I find this “being still and knowing He is God moment” helps me to process all of the tight seemingly inescapable places in my mind and in my heart. These tight places for me are stress spots where I find myself not fully trusting God with certain things, or being afraid of unfavorable outcomes, or convictions I’m wrestling with, or the weight of burdens and conflicts closing in on me. But I have learned that I absolutely do not need to go stand at the edge of a field to “be still and know that He is God”. But occasionally, having this simple visual of His goodness in creation before my eyes, helps. After all, we know that if my heart were to remain silent in such revelation of God, even the rocks could cry out “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

Standing there, I am enveloped in a profound sense of openness and beauty and freedom. It just helps to bring everything into perspective for me.

On this day, I felt God encouraged me to leave room for Him. He was calling me to make space for him in those exhausting tight places where I was feeling so bound up. I began to remember Him and His Word, in a way that always leads to me swinging open the door of my heart and asking Him for help. I again knew the gentle intimacy of His comfort, of His promises, and the reassuring reality that God is with me.

Being still in the days we live, is sorely underrated. And being still as a believer, and knowing that He is God, is a balm and breath we cannot do without.

So how do we make space and room for God in those tight places where we feel stress and trouble? We must be still and know that He is God.

Here are some things I have found to be true and helpful:

I must remember that I am an image bearer of Almighty God and loved with an everlasting love.

I must remember as a believer of Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit lives inside of me.

I must remember that wherever I am and wherever I go, it is holy ground.

I must remember and acknowledge that nothing is hidden from God and my life is not my own.

I must remember that God desires my faith filled “yes” above all else … thru the suffering, amidst the trials, and in the very hard tight places in my life.

And I know that when I say “yes” to Him, I will experience His unsurpassing peace.

When I hear from Him and obey His Word, this is me making space for Him to do the miraculous.

I believe it is a learned response in our faith walk to “make room and leave space” for God to work. This may look like us opening our hands dropping all of our earthly carnal efforts and asking the Holy Spirit to empower us. It may look like drawing near to Him and allowing our soul to be quieted in the safe refuge of His loving arms. Or maybe it’s us surrendering our agenda  and simply holding His hand as we walk in His perfect plan.

Beloved, we need to be still and “just let Him” be all that we need. And when we do, we never know what He may do or what we may see. But we do know this; with God all things are possible. ❤️
Kennesaw Avenue path to Kennesaw Mountain

Scripture Referenced: Matthew 19:26, 1 Peter 5:7, John 8:32, Genesis 1:27, Philippians 4:7, Zechariah‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 32:8, Psalm 37:23-24, Psalm 143:10
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