Resources: Trusting the Bible

On Sunday, February 26, Pastor Tom spoke on textual variants in the New Testament as part of our ongoing study on the Gospel of Mark, Knowing Jesus. If there are variations in the text, how do we know we can trust the Bible? Here are some resources on the subject.
Why Trust the Bible?
The Holy Bible has withstood thousands of attempts to destroy its truth and to discredit its authority, and yet no one has succeeded. The truth and the authority of the Scriptures stand strong, regardless of every attempt to render them ineffective. "What the skeptics claim:" sections and "What history actually tells us:" along with time-lines and endnotes help you answer the newest criticisms.
How Did we Get the Bible?
The Bible is the foundation of Christianity. In it we learn about the human condition, our need for salvation, God’s plan through Christ, the everlasting joy that awaits those who trust in Jesus, and more. So far in this series we’ve looked at the question of truth in relation to the Bible, as well as its reliability. Now we’ll turn to the important question, “How did we get the Bible?” In doing so we’ll look at four key areas regarding the Bible: inspiration, canonization, transmission and translation.
You Can Trust the Bible
How can believers today be certain about the reliability of the Bible? How do we know it is trustworthy? Noted scholar, Michael Kruger sits down with Mark Mellinger to address the major objections to Scripture and why Christians have no reason to worry.
Can We Trust the 66 Books of the Bible?
The Bible spans centuries as God's Word to mankind. How can we know if the Bible is trustworthy? John Piper, founder and teacher of and Chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary, teaches how trusting the Bible and knowing Jesus go hand in hand.
Has the Bible Been Corrupted?
Ben Stuart answers a pivotal question in the Christian faith about the Word of God, "how can we have any confidence that what we hold now, is what they wrote back then?" As he addresses the many claims that the Bible is false, he counters with irrefutable evidence that the Bible is what it claims to be: the living and active Word of God.

1 Comment

Mark and Beth Stevenson - February 26th, 2023 at 7:21am

Thank you for sharing this info!! Much needed



