Missions Partner Spotlight: Colin Welch

Colin Welch has been serving with EFCA ReachGlobal in Paris, France, since the spring of 2023. Following France's 20th-century decision to separate church and state, the nation has pursued a path of secularism, leading to its current ranking as the 7th most atheistic country in the world. Along with this, France continues to hold a deep appreciation for the arts, which provides a culturally relevant pathway for the Gospel. Through his work with musical artists and the Le Pavé d'Orsay art gallery, Colin seeks to utilize the collaborative nature of the arts to build meaningful relationships with local artists, creating opportunities for Gospel conversations aimed at fostering discipleship and connecting individuals to the local church.

How can you pray for COLIN WELCH?

  1. They are expecting over 15 million people to pass through the city this summer. Please join me in praying that God uses Paris as a meeting place during the Olympic Games. With people arriving from all corners of the earth, imagine the global impact when they come to know the Lord during their time here and take their newfound relationship with the Lord back to their home countries.
  2. Through my work at the Le Pavé d'Orsay gallery, God has been opening doors for Gospel conversations with local artists as our relationships have grown and deepened. Please pray that God continues to open the hearts of these artists who come through the gallery doors to hear the Gospel message.
  3. God is bringing many amazing people here to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Please join me in praying for the continued growth and development of our team. Since my arrival, we have expanded from a team of just two to a team of nine, with more people in the process of joining in the near future.

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